
该目录是为配合 UMAG 展览 Ifugao Sculpture Expressions in Philippine Cordillera Art 而出版的。在如此广泛的集体展览中很少被收集,具象雕塑和仪式盒体现了菲律宾吕宋岛北部地区 Ifugao、Bontoc 和 Kankanaey 部落艺术家的才华。展览和出版是与 Martin Kurer 先生和亚洲艺术未来 (AAF) 合作举办的,AAF 是一个专门研究当代和古董亚洲艺术的收藏品。展出的作品包括雕塑品,包括“bulul”雕像,与丰收相关的神灵; 'hipag' 人物,作为可以召唤神圣帮助的工具的战争神灵;仪式中使用的雕塑盒子,“punamhan”;以及用于储存食物的各种盒子——有时称为“tangongo”或“tanoh”——以及其他功能性物品,如“kinahu”、食物碗和玩具。该系列着迷于这些雕刻的 19 世纪和 20 世纪雕塑的现代抽象风格,采用艺术而非人类学的方法,突出所展示艺术品的美学,而不是将它们视为民族标志或宗教工具。 bulul人物和盒子都与文化仪式有着深刻的联系,同时呈现了一群才华横溢的乡村艺术家的抽象表达。这些精选的作品共同展示了从 18 世纪到 20 世纪广泛的科迪勒拉雕塑艺术的美学和艺术方面。作品按照不同的艺术重心排列——“古风”、“极简”、“过渡”——虽然线条有时模糊不清,但大部分“古风”材料也表现出“极简”元素。该出版物与其他部落艺术进行了比较,并描述了它们对现代西方艺术家的影响,例如俄罗斯的瓦西里·康定斯基 (1866-1944)、罗马尼亚的康斯坦丁·布朗库西 (Constantin Brancusi) (1876-1957) 和法国艺术家乔治·布拉克 (George Braque) (1882-1963)。这一主张是基于视觉比较,而本届展览突出强调的是每件物品的物理结构、设计价值和国际特色。

Floy Quintos 撰写的专着详细介绍了 Ramon Tapales 在 70 和 80 年代收集的pieces collected。他的风格定义了科迪勒拉斯本土艺术的经典

这本书是自 1890 年以来第一本完全专注于北吕宋土著艺术的影响深远的综合性出版物……感谢大多数知识渊博的贡献者的帮助,他们广泛的实地工作的结果被告知,希望能进一步深入了解菲律宾艺术、历史和文化有助于更深入地了解复杂的文化遗迹。处理伊斯内格、伊内格、卡林加、加当、邦托克、坎卡奈、伊富高、伊巴洛伊、伊隆戈特和内格里托的传统文化,从广义上处理该主题,涵盖壮观的艺术成就,以建立范围和印象比较的依据。该出版物展示了大约 500 件以前未发表过的物品,这些物品被世界各地的民族志博物馆收购。包括 Alain Schoffel、Alex Athur、Thomas Murray、Rudolf Kratochwill、Maria Closa 和 Floy Quintos 在内的部落艺术品经销商通过使他们的藏品易于访问做出了贡献。
菲律宾: Archipelago of Exchange
2013 年在巴黎布兰利码头博物馆举办的展览特刊。

一本书 由埃里克赌场撰写,涉及异教徒北方 和穆斯林南方。这些地区集中了 的民族艺术 are well-documented。

Indigenous Archaeology in the Philippines:
Decolonizing Ifugao History
Stephen Acabado & Marlon Martin
Dominant historical narratives among cultures with long and enduring colonial experiences often ignore Indigenous histories. This erasure is a response to the colonial experiences. With diverse cultures like those in the Philippines, dominant groups may become assimilationists themselves. Collaborative archaeology is an important tool in correcting the historical record. In the northern Philippines, archaeological investigations in Ifugao have established more recent origins of the Cordillera Rice Terraces, which were once understood to be at least two thousand years old. This new research not only sheds light on this UNESCO World Heritage site but also illuminates how collaboration with Indigenous communities is critical to understanding their history and heritage.
Indigenous Archaeology in the Philippines highlights how collaborative archaeology and knowledge co-production among the Ifugao, an Indigenous group in the Philippines, contested (and continue to contest) enduring colonial tropes. Stephen B. Acabado and Marlon M. Martin explain how the Ifugao made decisions that benefited them, including formulating strategies by which they took part in the colonial enterprise, exploiting the colonial economic opportunities to strengthen their sociopolitical organization, and co-opting the new economic system. The archaeological record shows that the Ifugao successfully resisted the Spanish conquest and later accommodated American empire building.
This book illustrates how descendant communities can take control of their history and heritage through active collaboration with archaeologists. Drawing on the Philippine Cordilleran experiences, the authors demonstrate how changing historical narratives help empower peoples who are traditionally ignored in national histories.